Official Useful Commands

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there are a LOT of commands in this schema, and while most of them have descs for their uses and/or are admin only, some can be kinda hidden and you wont know about them unless you were told them, so
heres some commands that u might find useful, some of which can be used as say binds, most cant

im not going to mention default nutscript commands here (except for 1), however here are some that are similar to default commands:
/mel, /mes, /me's: with these commands you can do mes in a yell range and whisper range respectively, and me's allows you to do a me with a 's appended onto your name (ex [name]'s thing)
/itl, /its: similar to the me commands, these allow you to do its in yell and whisper ranges respectively
/radiow,/rw: this allows you to whisper into a radio

common event commands:​

/rollattrib: this allows you to roll using the specified attribute as a modifier, and can be requested when doing actions in events, the list of valid arguments is: str for strength, qkn for quickness, stm for stamina, and end for endurance. there are disadvantage and advantage versions of this command too, rollattribdis and rollattribadv respectively.
/rollresist: this isnt as used as rollattrib, but its here too. it acts in a similar form to rollattrib, however it uses a specific part of your suits resistance and multiplies the number by its value, instead of adding it like attrib does. the list of valid arguments for this is: rad for radiation resistance, psy for psy resistance, chem for chemical, burn for burn, elec for electric, phys for physical, bullet for bullet (different from armor levels), spd for movespeed multiplier, stmrec for stamina recovery multipler. it also has disadvantage and advantage versions as well.

general commands:​

/rus, /kor, /ger, etc: language commands are how you speak in the different langauges you can pick during character creation. commands have aliases for a 3 letter abbrieviation and for the full name of the language. there are also yell, whisper, radio, and radio whisper versions of these commands, as rusy, rusw, rusr, and such.
/toggleraise: this is a quicker way to raise your gun, and can be bound to a key via a say command.
/togglenightvision 1: if you happen to have nightvision installed, this is the command you can use to toggle it. this can also be bound via say command
/replyatk, /replyvic: this is how u can pm your attacker/victim respectively, for pming your actions back and forth primarily.
/acd: if you are downed for some reason (anomaly, npc, etc), this is what you use to respawn. you should wait a bit before doing this however, as it is possible to revive you should the situation call for it
/chardie: if you are killed by a player or an event of some sort, this can be used to willingly kill yourself, skipping the downed state. if you use this as a way to teleport back to spawn and i find out you will be permabanned for abusing systems so dont do it!
/togglehood: this command allows you to toggle the hood on specific kinds of outfits (namely the anorak, sunrise, and io7a). no guarantee on certain types of headgear being clipping free with this however though
/checkalcohlevel: this command allows you to check what your current alcohol level is (with the trait it goes from 0 to 6, with the longer you go without a drink the higher it is, however without it it will display the temporary alcohol level, which is not capped)
/checkammo: this is useful for checking how much ammo of a specific ammo type you have loaded in reserve, should the hud not show the right ammo type for whatever reason, more info is shown in the desc of the command

pda commands:​

/pdalocal: this is the main pda command. it is used to communicate via the pda network
/pdatrade: this is similar to local, however it is specifically created for trade
/pdafaction: if you happen to be in a faction other than loner, you can use this command for a channel for your specific faction, only ppl of the same faction can see the message
/pdaparty: in the pda's settings you can specify a specific party channel. with this set you can then communicate on a private channel with only the people who also have their party channel set to that as well.
/pdapm: this allows you to icly pm a specific pda handle
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