Stanislav 'Courier' Bekhan


May 22, 2021
Czech Republic

Breaking through the tree-line and coming out into the open with decent cover, 'Courier' would immediately take out his binoculars. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he overlooked a seemly abandoned military outpost. Scanning around, he identified two barracks and taking a closer look he got sight of a small Ukrainian flag blowing in the cold breeze.

Stashing his binoculars away, he unslung his Chaser from his back, gripping it tightly in his hands. Taking a few glances around, he started down the hill, moving slowly through the tall grass that was still covered in the morning dew. Getting onto the road right in-front of the outpost, he took a few moments to get a look of his surroundings. The outpost was mostly surrounded by hills, thick patches of spruce trees, and the fog had prevented anything from being seen down the busted up paved road he walked down. Starting into the Outpost, he noticed it was populated by multiple buildings that were most likely abandoned or occupied by mutants.

Heading to the west side, he walked up to the flag he spotted earlier and removed it from old water pipe. Walking in-between the barracks he walked up to a small fire pit surrounded by sandbag barricades. Taking the flag, he tossed it into the pit which already had some wood laid inside. Lighting a match, he tossed it in and created a small fire.

Checking over his gear, making sure his weapon was locked in loaded, he glanced up... and there they were.

Two soldiers stood at the end of the barracks where the flag was. Not moving any further than the sandbag barricades, he removed a pouch and laid it on the nearest barricade. The higher ranking soldier walked up to greet him, "You have the package?" the burly grunt asked curiously. There was something off about the way he phrased it. "It is. You know how this works, give me the payment and the package is yours." 'Courier' said, taking a defensive stance and placing a hand on the pouch. The soldier just shook his head, while the one behind, tossed a red ribbon on the wet concrete beside him.

Before he could stop what ultimately he knew was about to un-fold, the two soldiers drew on him firing 5.45 rounds at him as he ducked into cover. Thankfully he kept his hand on the pouch and took the package back into safe keeping. Rounds were being dumped on his barricade, not just from the two soldiers, but from the hill that overlooked the outpost. Crawling over to one of the corners, he peeked out quickly, dumping a shell into the Private that decided that not using the barrack near him for cover was too good for him. The screams of agony from the soldier exploded into the air, the other dashing over to him to help. Peeking out from the right side and fooling the ones up on the hill, he unleashed another shell into the other soldier, sending him off his feet and next to his dying comrade.

'Courier' wouldn't be so lucky this time though. Before he could get back into cover, a 7.62 round sliced through the air, piercing the fore-end of his Chaser. Dropping the shotgun from the impact, he rolled back into cover, removing his pistol from his hip. Taking advantage of the fact there wasn't any soldiers that he knew of right on top of him anymore, he opened the pouch that contained the package, a black flash-drive. He picked up a rock from up against the sandbag and bashed it in until it was completely destroyed. They wouldn't get what they wanted even if he died here. Rising upwards this time, he raised his pistol. To his surprise the Sergeant wasn't dead yet and was aiming right at him. At the same time, the two exchanged rounds at each other. 'Courier' managed to hit the Soldier in the head with one of his more well placed rounds. The Sergeant managed to land a few rounds into him. His modified Sunrise Suit with additional Kevlar protection managed to stop the rounds from piercing into him, however he was completely sent backwards and out of cover. Rounds rained down upon him. Falling backwards from the gunfire, a few of the rounds broke through and struck him, one in the chest and couple in his arms and legs . His suit was completely shredded from the rounds he was taking.

Bleeding out on the ground, he crawled behind one of the barracks, pulling out his PDA and pressing a button on side. His PDA let out an Emergency Broadcast to anyone in the area. He dropped his PDA on his lap along with his pistol. He could hear rapid footsteps of more soldiers. They ran up, checking on the two dead soldiers and finding the destroyed flash-drive. One of them spat in anger, looking up towards 'Courier' slumped facing away from them on the opposite side of the barracks wall, they presumed he was dead from the hellfire they just rained down on him, so they left him for the mutants.

"Loners! We need to leave!" One of the soldiers alerted the rest of the party quietly.
Moving fast, they gathered what they could and right as the band of Loners entered the outpost, the squad of soldiers exited through a break in the wall, disappearing in fog, back up the hill and into the trees.

Name: Stanislav 'Courier' Bekhan

Alias: 'Courier'

Nationality: Russian


-Wanderer, (Doesn't stay in the same place very long)
-Constantly checking gear over and it's current condition
-Keeps his PDA close at all times.



-Indecisive People
-Long-Range Fire-Fights

Faction Standing | Curse | Hate | Dislike | Unknown | OK | Friendly | Respect | Allies

Hoplite - N/A

Ecologists - Done a couple runs and jobs for the eggheads a couple times here and there. Always seem to need to pop a anti-rad medication every time.

Freedom - Should come to no surprise that I've ran information to and from Freedom Outposts and even found myself at the Army Warehouses, even done recon work for the Greenie Weenies. Good source of weed.

Monolith - I'll always remember making a run through Limansk for an old Military contact, long story short, the contact I was suppose to link up with to reestablish comms wasn't at his post anymore, the room was an absolute mess and his bed was covered in blood. Poor bastard. I'll think twice taking any work near those fanatics.

UKM - I've never been one to hold grudges, especially in my line of work, but I will never forgive those backstabbing grunts for what they did to me. I hope the Monolith gets their hands around their throats finally and makes them all suffer. Never will take another job from them. Sure they'll put a bounty on my head if they haven't already. They didn't get what they wanted and that's all that matters.

Duty - Even though they have close relations with the Military, I have no beef with them. Done about the same work as I've done with Freedom for them. Kind of funny that I've played a role in their never-ending blood feud. Heard they're somewhere near this area, if they make an entrance, might be some work.

Bandits - While Bandits are probably the dumbest people I've ever met not just in the Zone but on this planet, they don't hold out on payment.. at least not all of them. I've never killed for them but I have ran information that if an honorable STALKER or a faction caught me with, I'd be shot on sight.

Clear Sky - I used to have a great friend amongst that mysterious band of STALKERs. He was always gathering intelligence on the other factions to bring back to the Swamps. Always wanted to keep them up-to-date on the standings around the Zone. I know he went as far as became a War-Dog in Freedom and left to join Duty in the posts up near Pripyat. He must've got something big because he blew my PDA up with messages about rushing back to the Swamps. Not sure what he got, but I haven't heard from him since. I really want to believe he made it back to his home, but something deep down tells me he was captured. either by Freedom or Duty, maybe the grunts... Gods forbid the Monolith got him. Hope you're still out there buddy...

Standings with the Locals | Hate | Dislike | Unknown | Friendly | Respect | Allies
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