Official S2RP Guide

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Kolobok StalkerRP S2RP Guide

STALKERTest (2).jpeg


Hello and welcome to the Kolobok S2RP Guide. S2RP is a proprietary system coded from the ground up by our one-woman Dev team, Sky. S2RP is a script meant to fix the problem of RP'ing fights over long ranges when /me's are out of range, and add the element of frightening, dynamic firefights. Given that no system like this is found anywhere else in Garry's Mod Roleplay, we offer this guide to all players new to our community. By the end of this guide you should be familiar with the S2RP script itself, the server rules associated with S2RP, NIJ body armor standards, and a list of calibers present in our Stalker Roleplay. Thanks for reading!

S2RP Script

The majority of the staff team at Kolobok has been together roleplaying over different servers since around 2012. One problem we identified throughout our multiple servers across multiple schemas was the inability to roleplay firefights at distance without PM'ing /me's. This method was time-consuming, confusing, and at times infuriating. We initially started a system where firefights at range were S2K, and if one died in-game, IC'ly their character was critically wounded. We found that this led to game-y elements such as people maxing out endurance traits, and unrealistic moments such as heavily-armored troops dying from pistols at extended range. We tasked Sky with finding us a solution that:
1. Made long-range firefights viable
2. Realistically simulated caliber of weapon vs. rating of body armor
3. Required little to no rebalancing of in-game armor and weapon types

The S2RP script is what became of this task. When a player is shot, the S2RP script identifies which player was shot, the armor level that the player is wearing, and the caliber that the player was shot with. The script will then inform the player via a text notification that they were shot, and whether or not their armor protects them from the round. The player does not take any damage when shot, thus negating the need for balancing weapons, armor, and endurance traits - with the fringe benefit of making RDM (Random Deathmatch) a thing of the past.

S2RP Server Rules

As stated above, when a player is shot a message appears in the player's chat box notifying them that they have been shot. The text will also notify the player if their armor was rated to protect them from the round or not. It is then up to the player to correctly roleplay the impact of the round. A typical S2RP notification may look like this:

You were hit by a 7.62x39mm round in the chest from 100 meters away. Your armor protects you from the round
You were hit by a 7.62x39mm round in the chest from 100 meters away. Your armor does not protect you from the round
The S2RP script also notifies the shooter of a successful hit. The notification may look like this:

You hit Someone with a 7.62x39mm round in the chest from 100 meters away. Their armor appears to protect them from the round.
You hit Someone with a 7.62x39mm round in the chest from 100 meters away. Their armor does not appear to protect them from the round.
Upon the notification that a player has been shot, they may call a Pause in global OOC ("// Pause") This pause allows a person to type their /me without being accosted. While paused, no combat will take place and no combatants will move. It is not required to call a pause when hit, this mechanic is only added so that players who wish to do more detailed /me's are not forced to reduce the quality of their roleplay to keep up. When roleplay is complete, simply call Resume in OOC ("// Resume") The S2RP script automatically detects when players are typing and voids any incoming hits, so if you do not wish to pause you do not have to. If you are shot while typing or shoot someone who is typing you may see the following message:

You were hit by someone, but you were typing...
You hit someone, but they were typing...

Any hits on typing players are null and void and are not taken IC

Upon resuming, all players resume moving and shooting until someone else is hit, then repeat as necessary
Keep in mind that bullets hurt, and even if your armor protects you from the round, you would still feel the pain of impact and backface deformation. It is not uncommon for persons to be knocked to the ground by incoming rifle rounds even if stopped by proper armor. Hits from handgun caliber rounds, and hits in the limbs are generally survivable and not always fight stopping. You are still expected to roleplay appropriate levels of pain, and any associated disabilities from your wound. I.E: A person shot in the legs should not sprint, a person shot in the arms should not use a rifle (Unless behind cover where the weapon can be braced). A penetrating hit to the chest from a rifle caliber is almost always incapacitating or lethal. If you are hit in the chest with a rifle caliber you will likely not be able to move, and doing any sort of combat task will become incredibly difficult. A penetrating hit to the head is always lethal. (We understand this is not entirely realistic, but necessary to provide consistency and balance) A medical roleplay guide is planned for the near future which will cover wounds more in-depth.

Typically, at least one admin will be observing S2RP firefights, and they will assist players in properly roleplaying hits by viewing server logs of hits and /me's. If you have any questions, call a pause and feel free to contact the staff.

Body Armor

Currently Kolobok goes off of NIJ Bullet-Resistant Material Standard 101.06. Realistically, we should probably be using GOST, but due to most of our players living in the US, we find that more people are familiar with the NIJ standards. You can find a short summary of NIJ 101.06 below:


It is not important for you to memorize this chart, as the S2RP script will automatically detect whether or not a round penetrates. We have included this section in the interest of transparency. Keep in mind that although some plates are rated for 6 hits of their rated calibers, this testing is done in a lab in a humidity controlled enviornment with pre-sighted hits. We find that in combat, it is likely that a plate may be hit in the same spot more than once, causing failure (Especially at close range) If you are hit multiple times, an admin may tell you that your armor has failed and you must RP a hit. Also, some armor ratings are only rated for a certain velocity. For example, a Level IIA vest rated for 9mm at 355m/s may not stop a 9mm round from an MP5 which has an average muzzle velocity of 400m/s.

The list of calibers is as follows
Handgun/SMG: 9x18, 9x18, .45ACP, 7.62x25mm, 4.6x30mm, 5.7x28mm, .50AE
Rifle/Shotgun/LMG: 00 Buckshot, 5.56x45mm, 5.45X39MM, 7.62x39mm, 9X39mm, 7.62x51mm, 7.62x54mmR, .338 Lapua Magnum
HMG/Anti-Material: 12.7x108mm, 14.5x114mm
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Staff Member
May 17, 2021
For reference, here's a video of a U.S. Soldier taking a 7.62x54r round- presumably from an SVD, Mosin or otherwise- he lives and takes it in the plate, but is knocked on his ass. The shot takes place at exactly 1:00. Further, the soldier shot is interviewed at around 2:00 and talks about what it was like. And if you were wondering, the insurgents got what was coming to them
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