The book is old and dusty, the cover a humble shade of brown with a large black claw drawn on the front. Opening it to the title page, in a large formal font you will see:
Author: Unknown
The Zone is a dangerous place, years of radiation have severely perverted the flora and fauna species that reside here. Once ordinary and harmless animals have taken the shape of fearsome beasts with sunken eyes, sharp teeth, and long claws. Perhaps the most frightening of all is the level of aggression with these mutants. My theory is that due to years of exposure to high concentrations of radiation, anger, and judgement controlling areas of the brain such as the Medula-Oblongata, hippocampus, and hypothalamus have been severely altered.
Once docile creatures such as swine now actively engage and hunt with a pack mentality. An unlucky Stalker may find himself in a tussle with a large boar, only to be gored from behind by another member of the boars family. It is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. My hope is that with this pocket guide, you will be able to correctly identify any mutant encountered within The Zone, and make an informed decision on how to proceed.
Section I: Swine
Flesh: Mutated Common Pig
One of the most prevalent creatures of The Zone are members of the swine family. This area was once home to several large-scale farms, and after the accident, entire stocks of animals were left to their own devices. The swine themselves seemed to adapt surprisingly fast and handle radiation exposure fairly well, aside from the obvious genetic mutations.
The most common mutant in The Zone is a 'Flesh Pig' or simply 'Flesh'. These animals are descendants of the common pig but have made several advancements. Most noticeably, the animals have grown to massive portions, reaching three and four times the size of a regular pig. Their backs are covered with thickened hide, and their bones are noticeably thicker and denser than those of a pig. Their senses are keen, assisted by the enlarged eye that seemed to appear around the third generation of these creatures. The eye itself is massive, disturbing even. It is able to pick up movement from long distances, useful for keeping an eye out for predators or prey. Their eye is able to see in a larger spectrum of light than a human's and is even littered with olfactory receptors, allowing them to "smell" through their eyes. Overall, one of these animals is not a large problem or something to be concerned for. However, in a group they will try to rush a Stalker as one unit, charging into him with their enlarged heads and knocking them over, thus allowing the group to trample the victim with their sharp hooves. Flesh's operate with a pack mentality, usually led by an Alpha-Pig, or even Boars. If one or more members of the pack are killed, they may lose their motivation to attack and retreat. This especially applies when the Alpha-Pig is killed. (Usually identifiable by its aged appearance, sometimes exhibiting gray hair and numerous scars from defending its position in the pack.)
A back-pedal tactic is useful when engaging Flesh Pigs. By keeping the group in front of you, it is very easy to score multiple hits to their enlarged heads when they lower them to charge at you. Their massive size plays against them, hindering their ability to move quickly, making them large, slow-moving targets. Handgun calibers will suffice for killing them, as their skulls are still able to be penetrated by rounds as small as 9x18mm.
While Flesh Pigs may be dangerous in a group to a rookie Stalker, a group of Boars is not to be underestimated by even experienced and well-equipped Stalkers. Their group tactics may be confusing and hard to anticipate, making them a formidable opponent. Boars maintained their wild body types, their muscles toned and lean. They are extremely territorial and a whole group may fight to the death over a small patch of land. They are much faster than their Flesh cousins, and sport, not one, but two sets of tusks with which to uproot plants and shoots to eat, or to gore prey animals. They are omnivores and will eat almost anything, even members of their own species, but never from their own family. A boar is identifiable by its pig-like appearance and large size. They stand roughly One and a half meters tall, with shaggy fur covering most of their bodies.
Their tactics consist of attempting to surround the prey animal, and attack one by one from several different angles, forcing the victim to defend himself 360 degrees around. While one boar is engaging the victim, another may sneak up from behind and attempt to tear open the prey animal's legs with his large tusks. Once the victim is on the ground, the boars will begin feeding, oftentimes while the prey animal is still alive.
Movement should be used when fighting boar, the important thing is not to become surrounded. Another tactic may be to fortify ones-self in a corner or position in which they cannot be flanked. Due to their thick skulls, shooting them in the head as they charge seems to be only moderately effective. One might have better luck shooting for the chest or body cavity where soft organs are vulnerable.
Section II: Canines
Blind Dogs
One would think that the loss of such a primary sense would doom these dogs to extinction, but it seems that blind dogs have survived better in The Zone than their non-mutated counterparts. These animals resemble the dog you are used to, save for their lack of consistent fur. Many are infected with mange and only have hair in patches across their wrinkled bodies. While they are born without eyes, their secondary senses more than make up for their loss of vision. Their sense of smell and hearing is uncanny. They seem to sense anomalies, navigating dangerous areas with ease.
Much like the Flesh and Boar, these animals move in a pack, usually led by an Alpha. However they are not as easily frightened, they very rarely run from a fight once they are committed. They are relatively weak, with no strength or amazing abilities- However, they are fast-moving and small targets, making them much harder to hit. A Semi-Automatic or Automatic weapon is recommended for quick correction follow-up shots. As with Boars or Flesh, do not allow them to encircle you.
The Pseudodog technically isn't even a dog. When examining the finer points of the DNA it becomes apparent that the Pseudodog is a product of canine, bear, and human DNA. Because of this, it has been speculated that the Pseudodog is the result of genetic experimentation by the Ukrainian government. They have a pair of glowing yellow eyes very similar to a Bloodsucker's. Their eyes will stop glowing if they are seriously injured or killed. They are sometimes seen in the company of Blind Dogs, who seem to realize that their Pseudodog relatives are much stronger. When encountered by a pack, killing a Pseudodog may send the Blind Dogs running scared.
Keep in mind that Pseudodogs are extremely strong. A favored tactic is to seize a Stalker by his arm or another limb, and literally throw them with the immense strength in their neck and shoulder muscles. The Pseudodogs bite is strong and will rip many types of low-grade armor. Much like Blind Dogs, keep moving, and have a weapon that can put a lot of lead on target quickly.
Psy Pseudodog
The Psy Pseudodog or Psy-Dog is a peculiar spin-off of the pseudodog. It is anti-social, often living deep within forests or among abandoned buildings. The most interesting feature of this mutant is how it affects the minds of prey animals. The Psydog has no real differences from the Pseudodog, aside from the color of its fur. Genetic deformations have caused many of the Psydogs to become albino. When faced with a threat, the Psydog will create multiple "copies" of itself, which are actually just an illusion. While the copies appear real in every aspect, they cannot hurt you. They are only there as a distraction. The real Psydog will rarely risk a frontal attack while you deal with his clones. Instead, he will opt to sneak around the perimeter and attack the Stalker from a flank. He will swoop in, attack rather quickly, and then run away back into the clones. Surviving victims reported the edges of their vision being blurry, along with "White noise" in their ears. This will let you know your mind is being assaulted, and you are most likely dealing with a Psydog.
The best plan of action is to keep a sharp eye out for a dog that seems to be circling the perimeter without attacking. If you kill the Psydog, his illusions will disappear. If the high ground is accessible, take it and watch from above, it will give you a much better chance of spotting the "real" Psydog.
Section III: Humanoids
The humanoid Bloodsucker is perhaps the most legendary of all the mutants in The Zone. Perhaps it is due to the terrifying appearance of their bloodsucking tentacles, or the gruesome way in which they consume their prey. Either way, they have risen to be one of the most feared mutants of The Zone. There are three types of Bloodsuckers, Forest, Marsh, and Underground. Despite having different colorations to help them blend in better, they have little physiological difference. Bloodsuckers are intelligent creatures who often "nest" inside buildings, caves, or other enclosed spaces. Here, they may sleep or store their kills for later consumption. They despise the open, and often if you encounter one outside it will retreat back to a building or other place where it can hide. Its most distinguishing trait is the ability to use a sort of optic camouflage, making it almost entirely invisible, save for a little shimmer in the air.
The Bloodsucker sports massive claws on his hands, used for slashing when in close. His body is lean and his muscles toned. He is extremely fast and may be out of your reach before you have a chance to attack. A repeating shotgun or other CQC weapon is recommended. Many times it is useful to wound the legs if possible, which will greatly reduce the Bloodsucker's advantage, as they rely on their speed. If you are dealing with a cloaked Bloodsucker, look for the two glowing eyes. They are unable to hide them, and aiming just above them will score you a shot directly to the forehead.
Author: Unknown
The Zone is a dangerous place, years of radiation have severely perverted the flora and fauna species that reside here. Once ordinary and harmless animals have taken the shape of fearsome beasts with sunken eyes, sharp teeth, and long claws. Perhaps the most frightening of all is the level of aggression with these mutants. My theory is that due to years of exposure to high concentrations of radiation, anger, and judgement controlling areas of the brain such as the Medula-Oblongata, hippocampus, and hypothalamus have been severely altered.
Once docile creatures such as swine now actively engage and hunt with a pack mentality. An unlucky Stalker may find himself in a tussle with a large boar, only to be gored from behind by another member of the boars family. It is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. My hope is that with this pocket guide, you will be able to correctly identify any mutant encountered within The Zone, and make an informed decision on how to proceed.
Section I: Swine
Flesh: Mutated Common Pig
One of the most prevalent creatures of The Zone are members of the swine family. This area was once home to several large-scale farms, and after the accident, entire stocks of animals were left to their own devices. The swine themselves seemed to adapt surprisingly fast and handle radiation exposure fairly well, aside from the obvious genetic mutations.
The most common mutant in The Zone is a 'Flesh Pig' or simply 'Flesh'. These animals are descendants of the common pig but have made several advancements. Most noticeably, the animals have grown to massive portions, reaching three and four times the size of a regular pig. Their backs are covered with thickened hide, and their bones are noticeably thicker and denser than those of a pig. Their senses are keen, assisted by the enlarged eye that seemed to appear around the third generation of these creatures. The eye itself is massive, disturbing even. It is able to pick up movement from long distances, useful for keeping an eye out for predators or prey. Their eye is able to see in a larger spectrum of light than a human's and is even littered with olfactory receptors, allowing them to "smell" through their eyes. Overall, one of these animals is not a large problem or something to be concerned for. However, in a group they will try to rush a Stalker as one unit, charging into him with their enlarged heads and knocking them over, thus allowing the group to trample the victim with their sharp hooves. Flesh's operate with a pack mentality, usually led by an Alpha-Pig, or even Boars. If one or more members of the pack are killed, they may lose their motivation to attack and retreat. This especially applies when the Alpha-Pig is killed. (Usually identifiable by its aged appearance, sometimes exhibiting gray hair and numerous scars from defending its position in the pack.)
A back-pedal tactic is useful when engaging Flesh Pigs. By keeping the group in front of you, it is very easy to score multiple hits to their enlarged heads when they lower them to charge at you. Their massive size plays against them, hindering their ability to move quickly, making them large, slow-moving targets. Handgun calibers will suffice for killing them, as their skulls are still able to be penetrated by rounds as small as 9x18mm.
While Flesh Pigs may be dangerous in a group to a rookie Stalker, a group of Boars is not to be underestimated by even experienced and well-equipped Stalkers. Their group tactics may be confusing and hard to anticipate, making them a formidable opponent. Boars maintained their wild body types, their muscles toned and lean. They are extremely territorial and a whole group may fight to the death over a small patch of land. They are much faster than their Flesh cousins, and sport, not one, but two sets of tusks with which to uproot plants and shoots to eat, or to gore prey animals. They are omnivores and will eat almost anything, even members of their own species, but never from their own family. A boar is identifiable by its pig-like appearance and large size. They stand roughly One and a half meters tall, with shaggy fur covering most of their bodies.
Their tactics consist of attempting to surround the prey animal, and attack one by one from several different angles, forcing the victim to defend himself 360 degrees around. While one boar is engaging the victim, another may sneak up from behind and attempt to tear open the prey animal's legs with his large tusks. Once the victim is on the ground, the boars will begin feeding, oftentimes while the prey animal is still alive.
Movement should be used when fighting boar, the important thing is not to become surrounded. Another tactic may be to fortify ones-self in a corner or position in which they cannot be flanked. Due to their thick skulls, shooting them in the head as they charge seems to be only moderately effective. One might have better luck shooting for the chest or body cavity where soft organs are vulnerable.
Section II: Canines
Blind Dogs
One would think that the loss of such a primary sense would doom these dogs to extinction, but it seems that blind dogs have survived better in The Zone than their non-mutated counterparts. These animals resemble the dog you are used to, save for their lack of consistent fur. Many are infected with mange and only have hair in patches across their wrinkled bodies. While they are born without eyes, their secondary senses more than make up for their loss of vision. Their sense of smell and hearing is uncanny. They seem to sense anomalies, navigating dangerous areas with ease.
Much like the Flesh and Boar, these animals move in a pack, usually led by an Alpha. However they are not as easily frightened, they very rarely run from a fight once they are committed. They are relatively weak, with no strength or amazing abilities- However, they are fast-moving and small targets, making them much harder to hit. A Semi-Automatic or Automatic weapon is recommended for quick correction follow-up shots. As with Boars or Flesh, do not allow them to encircle you.
The Pseudodog technically isn't even a dog. When examining the finer points of the DNA it becomes apparent that the Pseudodog is a product of canine, bear, and human DNA. Because of this, it has been speculated that the Pseudodog is the result of genetic experimentation by the Ukrainian government. They have a pair of glowing yellow eyes very similar to a Bloodsucker's. Their eyes will stop glowing if they are seriously injured or killed. They are sometimes seen in the company of Blind Dogs, who seem to realize that their Pseudodog relatives are much stronger. When encountered by a pack, killing a Pseudodog may send the Blind Dogs running scared.
Keep in mind that Pseudodogs are extremely strong. A favored tactic is to seize a Stalker by his arm or another limb, and literally throw them with the immense strength in their neck and shoulder muscles. The Pseudodogs bite is strong and will rip many types of low-grade armor. Much like Blind Dogs, keep moving, and have a weapon that can put a lot of lead on target quickly.
Psy Pseudodog
The Psy Pseudodog or Psy-Dog is a peculiar spin-off of the pseudodog. It is anti-social, often living deep within forests or among abandoned buildings. The most interesting feature of this mutant is how it affects the minds of prey animals. The Psydog has no real differences from the Pseudodog, aside from the color of its fur. Genetic deformations have caused many of the Psydogs to become albino. When faced with a threat, the Psydog will create multiple "copies" of itself, which are actually just an illusion. While the copies appear real in every aspect, they cannot hurt you. They are only there as a distraction. The real Psydog will rarely risk a frontal attack while you deal with his clones. Instead, he will opt to sneak around the perimeter and attack the Stalker from a flank. He will swoop in, attack rather quickly, and then run away back into the clones. Surviving victims reported the edges of their vision being blurry, along with "White noise" in their ears. This will let you know your mind is being assaulted, and you are most likely dealing with a Psydog.
The best plan of action is to keep a sharp eye out for a dog that seems to be circling the perimeter without attacking. If you kill the Psydog, his illusions will disappear. If the high ground is accessible, take it and watch from above, it will give you a much better chance of spotting the "real" Psydog.
Section III: Humanoids
The humanoid Bloodsucker is perhaps the most legendary of all the mutants in The Zone. Perhaps it is due to the terrifying appearance of their bloodsucking tentacles, or the gruesome way in which they consume their prey. Either way, they have risen to be one of the most feared mutants of The Zone. There are three types of Bloodsuckers, Forest, Marsh, and Underground. Despite having different colorations to help them blend in better, they have little physiological difference. Bloodsuckers are intelligent creatures who often "nest" inside buildings, caves, or other enclosed spaces. Here, they may sleep or store their kills for later consumption. They despise the open, and often if you encounter one outside it will retreat back to a building or other place where it can hide. Its most distinguishing trait is the ability to use a sort of optic camouflage, making it almost entirely invisible, save for a little shimmer in the air.
The Bloodsucker sports massive claws on his hands, used for slashing when in close. His body is lean and his muscles toned. He is extremely fast and may be out of your reach before you have a chance to attack. A repeating shotgun or other CQC weapon is recommended. Many times it is useful to wound the legs if possible, which will greatly reduce the Bloodsucker's advantage, as they rely on their speed. If you are dealing with a cloaked Bloodsucker, look for the two glowing eyes. They are unable to hide them, and aiming just above them will score you a shot directly to the forehead.
The Snork is the unfortunate result of scores of UKM personnel that were sent into the zone without fully knowing the situation. After being exposed to high doses of radiation, their minds were destroyed and their bodies warped. Now walking on all fours, their spines are contorted and sometimes entirely exposed through the skin of the back. Many have bitten their own lips off, leaving them with a permanent grin. Their standard-issue GP-4 Gasmasks hang loosely from their faces, the hose used as a smelling device. They are often seen dragging it on the ground to search for the scent trails of possible prey animals. They have been noted to use clubs to bludgeon enemies to death, usually a pipe or discarded weapon they have found.
Snorks have no significant abilities that normal humans do not. They are not strong, they do not have claws, but do possess an uncanny ability to leap. They can jump several feet at a time, using this ability to pounce on unsuspecting Stalkers and knock them over. Usually, a clean headshot is enough to dispatch them. Your best defense against a Snork is to check the shadows twice and watch the pipes and air ducts above your head. Keep a sharp eye out
Section IV: Unknown
The Pseudogiant is a mutant of unknown origin that can weigh over two tons. Their round bodies are littered with odd human-like limbs which are used as arms and legs at the same time. Their bones have the strength of steel, and their skulls are 10cm thick. Encountering one without proper equipment will most likely spell certain doom because as clumsy as they appear, the Pseudogiant can move at a high rate of speed when agitated.
You must be wary of your distance to the Pseudogiant, one hit from his massive limbs will spell death or serious injury. At a distance, he will charge and attempt to steamroll you with his massive body. This is the equivalent of being struck by a car. Alternatively, he will pound the ground with his massive limbs, creating a shockwave effect that will throw you off of your feet. Specialty rounds are recommended if you expect you are going to encounter a Pseudogiant. Armor Piercing or a similar variant will significantly boost your chances of survival. The quickest way to kill a Pseudogiant is a direct hit from an RPG-7.
The fearsome Chimera is arguably The Zone's deadliest mutant. While being fairly rare, the survival rates from Chimera encounters are next to none. They have immense strength, able to flip cars with their massive arms and leap long distances with their powerful rear legs. They can grow to the size of an adult lion and are masters at stealth hunting. They will lie in wait along roadsides and pathways, and pounce on their prey, pinning them down before setting to work with their massive claws and teeth. Most times, the victim never realizes what is happening.
Vigilance is key to surviving Chimera attacks. Spotting it before it spots you will give you a chance to dodge the incoming pounce. Just like the Pseudogiant, their hide is extremely thick. AP rounds or explosives are highly recommended.
With the knowledge provided in this guide, I hope you will be able to save yourself from the evils of The Zone. Remember that the best weapon a Stalker can have is a good sense of awareness. Spotting your enemy before he spots you and knowing how to proceed will benefit you more than any gear. I wish you luck in your adventures, Stalker.
Snorks have no significant abilities that normal humans do not. They are not strong, they do not have claws, but do possess an uncanny ability to leap. They can jump several feet at a time, using this ability to pounce on unsuspecting Stalkers and knock them over. Usually, a clean headshot is enough to dispatch them. Your best defense against a Snork is to check the shadows twice and watch the pipes and air ducts above your head. Keep a sharp eye out
Section IV: Unknown
The Pseudogiant is a mutant of unknown origin that can weigh over two tons. Their round bodies are littered with odd human-like limbs which are used as arms and legs at the same time. Their bones have the strength of steel, and their skulls are 10cm thick. Encountering one without proper equipment will most likely spell certain doom because as clumsy as they appear, the Pseudogiant can move at a high rate of speed when agitated.
You must be wary of your distance to the Pseudogiant, one hit from his massive limbs will spell death or serious injury. At a distance, he will charge and attempt to steamroll you with his massive body. This is the equivalent of being struck by a car. Alternatively, he will pound the ground with his massive limbs, creating a shockwave effect that will throw you off of your feet. Specialty rounds are recommended if you expect you are going to encounter a Pseudogiant. Armor Piercing or a similar variant will significantly boost your chances of survival. The quickest way to kill a Pseudogiant is a direct hit from an RPG-7.
The fearsome Chimera is arguably The Zone's deadliest mutant. While being fairly rare, the survival rates from Chimera encounters are next to none. They have immense strength, able to flip cars with their massive arms and leap long distances with their powerful rear legs. They can grow to the size of an adult lion and are masters at stealth hunting. They will lie in wait along roadsides and pathways, and pounce on their prey, pinning them down before setting to work with their massive claws and teeth. Most times, the victim never realizes what is happening.
Vigilance is key to surviving Chimera attacks. Spotting it before it spots you will give you a chance to dodge the incoming pounce. Just like the Pseudogiant, their hide is extremely thick. AP rounds or explosives are highly recommended.
With the knowledge provided in this guide, I hope you will be able to save yourself from the evils of The Zone. Remember that the best weapon a Stalker can have is a good sense of awareness. Spotting your enemy before he spots you and knowing how to proceed will benefit you more than any gear. I wish you luck in your adventures, Stalker.
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